It would be easy to miss celebrities’ contributions—and detractions—from the public sphere in the midst of so much political turmoil. But let’s not.
The force, like everything else, is against Ted Cruz
Mark Hamill’s tweeted dismissal of Federal Communications Chair Ajit Pai and subsequent takedown of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) were nearly as epic as the Star Wars saga that made him famous. Pai released a tone-deaf video featuring him in a number of situations he, or his communications team, deemed relatable and reassuring to a public rightfully concerned about the FCC’s reversal of net neutrality.
In one of a series of scenarios, Pai’s depicted wielding a light saber. Hamill offered his thoughts on how Luke Skywalker would feel about net neutrality—and tossed in a legal dig that would warm any progressive lawyer’s heart.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) must never have seen Star Wars all the way through, because he attempted to take Hamill down.