After President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign on Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the next Democratic nominee, reportedly registered 38,500 new voters over the next 48 hours. This represents a 700% surge over the previous 48 hours, with most of those voters being ages 34 and younger.
That beats the previous best day of the 2024 cycle, which came on National Voter Registration Day in September when pop superstar Taylor Swift posted an Instagram story urging her followers to get registered. That message helped spur over 35,000 new voter registrations.
The latest surge in registrations comes as Harris and other Democratic candidates see a flood of donations. Since Harris entered the race, ActBlue has recorded $179 million in donations to Democratic candidates and causes. That's just part of a historic flood of over $250 million that poured in since Harris became the nominee-apparent.
It all reflects a genuine, pent-up demand for something new. And Harris is meeting that demand.